Thursday, November 5, 2009

A Miracle in My World

16 years, 10 months, 2 1 days, which is also 6,169 days. That is how many days separate December 12th, 1992 and November 2nd, 2009. For me both of those days are special, along with September 19th, 1994, October 25, 2000, and May 24th 2005. These are the days that my children were born. The dates mentioned at the beginning though are special because they were the first and the last. It is hard to believe how fast time has gone and how much has changed since that day back in December of 1992.
My oldest son Ryan was born very early on a Saturday. That night, my company that I was working for way back then was having our Christmas party and I had to take a roll of film to a store and had it developed in order to stop by the party and show off pictures. This time, I took pictures immediatly with my cell phone and my digital camera. Within 15 minutes after Rhett was born, I had photos sent to friends and family from my phone. Within an hour, there were photos being sent out by email and an album at Walgreens.
The most amazing part though was being able to share the photos on Facebook. Within that first hour, my sister had taken the photos I had emailed her and placed them on both my wall and my wife’s wall. I would have posted them myself but the hospital blocked the site to keep employees from using it while working.
Later that night I had made the photos into an album on Facebook. I had shared it not only with my friends but also those that don’t have Facebook but were still able to access my album. Even tonight, I added more pictures as another album. Of course my new profile photo is a picture of all of my kids.
It is amazing how much easier it is to brag and show off the latest arrival to the family. I have carried a flash drive to people’s desk to show them pictures. Plus I have many photos on my cell phone that I am very happy to show to anyone who asks. My boss had a picture of him hanging on my wall when I came back to work. None of this was possible back in 1992.
This is one situation where technology has definitely made it easier on the parents. Now I am anxious to find out if technology has made the rest of the work of raising a baby any easier.


  1. James,

    Congratulations on your new bundle of joy; how exciting for you and your wife to have a new baby in the house. There is just something about holding a newborn baby that makes a person feel all warm and fuzzy.

    I would agree 100% that technology has made it much easier to show-off the new baby. From taking images on your phone that you can send anywhere in the world to posting pics online it is so wonderful to be able to instantly share precious moments.

    I too have used the social media to post images. Those of my new grand daughter with the latest images of her in her Pixie Halloween costume. Wow was she a cutie, of course I could be biased.

  2. Congratulations!!! I am also 1 of 5 kids and it was a blast growing up. There is 10 years between me and my youngest sister. I am the oldest and can remember when she was born. There were only either disposable cameras or ones that you had to roll the film in yourself and then take both of them down to the local drug store to get developed and then send off in the snail mail to my uncle who lived in California so he could see his niece. Things are way easier now with technology as you lived first hand to get those cherished pictures out to loved ones like you did with in 15 minutes. How wonderful is that! Facebook can be a devil at times by taking up your precious homework time but it can be wonderful to stay connected to family and friends who are far away. As far as technology goes to make it easier to raise us little ones….I don’t think we have come that far yet.

  3. Congratulations!

    I think there are a lot of babies in our class--Brenda has a grand baby born the same day as my baby (July 8)and you have a new one too! (another gal in my other class is expecting in January--it's a regular baby boom!)

    Congrats and enjoy--you already know how fast it goes! :)
